
I've been completely neglecting my blog lately. I'm sorry little blog.

I unfortunately got the flu in the worst way and while most of the flu is gone, the fever has stuck around. For like, 4 weeks now. It's been pretty uncomfortable!

I'm getting married next Friday!!! How exciting is that? My dress is finished, the rsvps have been coming in, we've planned a party for the night before...a bar crawl through Chico with my very bestest friends, the honeymoon is booked...we are going to Tahoe!

We spent the weekend in SF with my bestest friend and her boyfriend, it was amazing except half way through the day I was falling apart, I was sooo hot from walking around with a fever, so we went back to the hotel early, which I was SO bummed out about. :( As soon as we got into the hotel, I laid down and BAM! I slept for 5 hours...woke up..had some dinner and then fell back asleep! What a boring girl I am!

I'm behind on Octobers pad of the month club, it'll go out in the mail by Friday. I'm also REALLY behind on emails, I apologize but being a sick little eggling will do that to ya!

I meant to blog so much more this month, October is my FAVORITE month of the year!
