FO: Zombie Girl Socks

Last week I found myself with a spare half hour while waiting for a file to download.

I did what any normal girl for sock knitting blogs! ;) No but seriously, I don't have a lot of spare internet time and I was curious if there are a lot of sock blogs out there!

A google search for "sock knitting blog" turned up My Sister's Knitter which I happily spent my half hour reading more like 2 hours of reading but I don't want to be a creepy girl. The prettiest photos and yarns! And then she mentions Must Stash Podcast  and bam! I was hooked!

I spent each morning watching an episode and knitting while having breakfast. I love it, it's the cutest little pod cast, the girls are super sweet and...ok...this might be weird but I totally found myself cheering them on! Steph was making a sweater for her husband and I loved watching it grow each week, when it was done I was like YEAH GO STEPH. I know, that's sort of strange.

But then I realized I love when I scroll through someones instagram and see the beginning, the middle and the end of the project. I want to hug that person. I think right now there is so much technology surrounding us with very little time to create something with our own two hands so each finished good should totally be celebrated. It also made me more excited to share WIPs, for some reason I always think I bore everyone with..."welp this is my 9 millionth in progress photo". But now I don't really care. Hahaha. I think once a week I'm going to check in and share some WIPs.

So! Hey! I finished a pair of socks! Yeah! I put all the details on ravelry, I'm the worst ravelry user ever. I started using it in 2007 but I really only started using it FOR REAL this past year. I actually have projects and part of my yarn stash on there now. Gold star!

Next socks!

I was thinking about knitting a color affection, then I saw Andi's post about Cameo and I decided I want to knit that with my skein of Weenie! I did a little stash searching and found a skein of Plucky Hayride so I'm going to use those two together for a Halloween shawl. Soooo that meant my skein of Biker Chick was free to become socks! I think I want to make Harvest Dew because they are so pretty! The only thing's charted for cuff down! I emailed this gal to ask if I had her notes correct, she knit her pair toe up and they are BEAUTIFUL. 

Ok! That's it! Tons of Pumpkin work to do. <3