{*~Machine Inspiration~*}

I thought I'd blog today about sewing machines that are unique! I know some people prefer the clean white lines of a nice sewing machine but I think if your going to sit at it for hours a day or just a few hours a month, it should reflect your personality & make you smile! Sewing = Smiling, so Sewing Machines should REALLY equal BIG SMILES!

Here are three of my favorite flickr finds!


At some point in my life I'd LOVE a pink sewing machine!



I added this raccoon sticker this morning! You can buy the same ones here!

This is the front of my machine! Kawaii sticker central!!! I collect them & love sticking them to stuff. I just indulged in some japanese washi masking tape, so I'm sure I'll stick some of that to my machine :)

I also really like this post from Hambly Screen prints! I think it looks classy!

So have you stuck anything to your machine? At first I was scared to stick anything to this machine but I got over that fast ;)

Happy Friday friends!



Hi! My name is Amanda & I'm neurotic.

I feel like days like today I need either a swift kick in the ass or a long nap under the hugest pile of blankets.

I don't like to admit it but I'm SCATTERED right now. I have a bunch of different projects I'm working on, some stuff for the shop, some custom quilts, some camera straps, some Blythe dresses & some personal stuff and everything is just MEH to me right now. The few things I've completed I'm not happy with & I'll be spending some of my day with my trust seam ripper.

It's so weird how one day projects look *great* and the next day...meh. Not feeling them. I know I get like this often, I get scared of the direction things are going and second guess myself. Just ask poor Mr. McPorkchop...when we first started dating we'd have an amazing weekend & I'd suddenly become terrified & want to call things off. Scared of commitment? Scared of failure? Scared of taking chances? Check! Check! CHECK! That's me in a nutshell! My poor bestie has had to have many talks with me about this. Thanks Buddy ;)

One of my 2010 goals was to stop letting fear take control over my days, to buck up & accept the good AND the bad, to realize that I'm not a sewing machine & not everything I sew will look perfect 100% of the time, that handmade literally means HAND MADE & to be more accepting. Having a goal is one thing...putting it into practice is a different story. I'm spending the rest of this super sunny day by going for a walk around the block, maybe shooting some film & accepting that sometimes things just don't go as planned!

Tonight we are moving my sewing machine so I can have more space & sit in front of our very nice windows. Right now my sewing machine has a wall behind it and it makes chain piecing & quilting kinda a PITA, so now I'll have a window to gaze out & a taller table that has more depth. Greta (that's her name!) will take up the width of the new table, but not the length...hmmm. My old sewing space will be for cutting & for Mr. McPorkchop to do homework on.

Maybe I'll make some bunting for the window in front of my new space?!  That's a good way for some positive sewing mojo & inspiration! Plus some pandora rock music!

My question to you friends is this...what do you do when you are feeling less than stellar about the things you create? Any favorite songs that pull you out of your funk?


I think I slept a grand total of 2 hours last night.

5 Things I'm thankful for this Tuesday afternoon:

  • Roku.
  • Smartwool leggings.
  • My fantastic husband who will get up out of bed to sit with me on the couch when I can't sleep.
  • My new teal & white dishtowels from Target. Spring-y, cute & cheap.
  • Hot coffee from the french press: current fav is illy dark roast.



It's early Sunday morning & we are packing up a bunch of our stuff to bring to Mr.McPorkchop's dads house to make more room around here. We've decided to start "moving". We will be gone all summer and will only live here August til December of next year. Anything we can do now to make moving easier & our life here better, we are doing. Yudu is going with him :( The emulsion doesn't set up & harden properly here because of the humidity, so in it's place I'll set up my serger & work on some modernacorn business finally!

I'm obsessed with complicated blocks. Complicated for me at least. The top block was made with this tutorial, and the two simple pinwheels are for Rachel's quiltalong! I'm hoping to visit some used bookstores this afternoon to scoop up some traditional block books, I'm curious about blocks that can be made modern...if I can find enough that are fantastic I'll be hosting a quiltalong...or at least tutorials on how to freshen up some traditional blocks. Or I'll become frustrated with things not lining up right & give up...haha ;)

I'm needing to take a sewing machine break, I've been having problems with the machine eating fabric & learned that Bernina sells a straight stitch plate! The plate it came with loves to chomp fabric, especially when I've been making Blythe clothes & chain piecing, sometimes even with a leader. The neat thing about the new plate is the machine will recognize it & not allow you to do anything BUT a straight stitch, so you don't run the risk of forgetting its on & jamming the machine. It'll ship tomorrow morning from Sacramento, so it'll be here in no time!

I'm still doing a ton of hand sewing, this weekends mail has brought me a bunch of charms to play with! Exciting! Be prepared for a shop update this week, I have some super pretty things that I hope you like!

I hope your having a great weekend! See you tomorrow!


{~*Pinwheel Love*~}

The past few days have been hectic & a tad bit loony. I'll be spending the day running a tiny bit of errands & then hunkered down on the couch handsewing, researching mcm homes for a custom quilt, playing doctor & repairing poor Sunshine Bears missing armpit. Hopefully today will be a fantastic mail day!

What are you doing this Friday? It sure is stormy out, one thing that cracks me up about facebook is about 65% of my page is people from MA (I grew up & graduated HS in Peabody) and it's like I get a weather report when I log in...everyone is complaining about lost power...and here in Eureka, CA, it's stormy & rain-y as well!



It's been pouring and windy outside all morning, I'm wearing layers & surrounding myself with cheer-y colors and things.

Right now I'm a sucker for berry tones. I woke up this morning and decided I'd work with these hues all day, more hand sewing. Bits of blues, bright fuchsias, tiny pops of yellow and small hints of off white. Something like raspberries, blueberries, lemons, marionberries & whipped cream.

Last night I got little to no sleep, more coughing. Poor Mr.McPorkchop *never* complained, even though I was thrashing around, cuddling close because I was frozen then kicking him because I was hot, stealing all the blankets...you know, generally being an awesome person to sleep next too! He gets home early today so I'm making him lunch, baked eggs in creamy tomato basil sauce with roasted kale & whole wheat toast. Something filling and very warm. I might add some red quinoa as well for more protein.

Speaking of food & berries! I did some quick math & realized since my New Years Resolutions I've lost 14.8 lbs! That's great! And deserves a present in a berry color ;) So I treated myself to this Sleepy King Woodland Owl Wing. Savannah is *super* nice & friends with my bestest BFF buddy Jenny & lives in Chico! Sweet! I'm not sure how it will look on me, mostly because I wear glasses and I don't want my head to look busy. Yup. I just typed that. Haha.

I hope your having a great Tuesday! Stay cozy!


P.S; I use wordpress & I'm using threaded comments, which is next, except I can't figure out how to give myself an icon! If anyone knows how, let me know! wordpress is kinda scary. I'm always afraid of tinkering around with it in fear of breaking something.


Sunday evenings I generally plan my upcoming weeks meals. I've found the more I plan, the better we eat, the less extra money we spend and the happier my stomach is. Last night we made a quick trip to Safeway where I stocked up on some of my favorites; kale, cauliflower, oranges, organic vanilla & chocolate milk (my personal "junk" food), dutch potatoes & some onions. Strawberries were buy one get one free and smelled delish, but they are imported from Mexico, my New Years Resolution is USA produce only. We have a *lot* of farmers in America that we gotta support, both local small growers & larger farms. Especially here in California with the abundance of farms & great growing conditions, I personally think there is *no* reason not to buy US grown produce. *steps off soap box ;)*

I can happily report that I did try Smitten Kitchens Cauliflower & Caramelized Onion Tart! I bought a whole wheat pie crust at the co-op that I *really* liked the flavor & texture of. It was a two pack, so I have an extra shell for later. I substituted Gruyère for Loleta Swiss & only added 2 ounces. I also got some incredible mascarpone imported from Italy that was heavenly. I really really *really* loved this recipe & I think it's a good jumping off point for other flavor combinations. I only recently have started liking onions, so far I only like them caramelized or extremely softened. One thing about eating vegetarian has made me do is try new things and give previously disliked things a second chance! Next time I make this I'll try ricotta, use 2% Strauss milk & add a lot more cauliflower. The head I bought was kinda on the small side & I'm obsessed with it, I'd say it's in my top 5 favorite veggies. I love heavy cream as well, don't get me wrong, but the flavors are already so fantastic that it simply doesn't need the extra fat, so 2% would be totally fine.

I used my nifty little egg cooker last night & hard boiled some eggs for this week, Mr.McPorkchop has already been at them, he's an egg addict as well. I love to make fun egg salads; a tiny bit of bbq sauce (I use one by Annie's!), 1 teaspoon of canola mayonnaise, dijon mustard, dill, a handful of fresh spinach with some whole wheat toast....heaven!!!!!!!!!!

At some point last night I got up, walked into the kitchen & took cough syrup because I kept waking myself up, except I have no idea what time that was and it's every 12 hr medicine. Way to go Self!!!! Eeep!

Today I'm working on some hand sewing for stuff for the shop. I came up with an idea earlier in the weekend, ran it by some friends & I'm putting it into action today. Think hexes & linen! I'll be hunkered down on the couch all day busy with a needle in my fingers! Does anyone watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer? I started to watch this fall and got side tracked, now I'm back on season 2, it's on hulu. I never watched it when the show originally aired but for some reason, I really like it!!!!

I hope you have a great Monday & thanks for all your nice comments yesterday :)



I woke up this morning with a very warm face...the sun was out!!!!

I don't think I've seen sunshine in over a month. Like more than partly cloudy!

I had Mr. McPorkchop help me outside so I could take some quick snapshots of this in progress quilt.

For some reason I'm always scared to show in progress stuff. I'm afraid my photos don't do justice to things I create so I'll hold off until sometimes months after I've finished something to gather the courage to share it! Well, New Years Resolutions made me promise to share more & I'm so glad I did! After seeing the photo I realized there are a few mistakes, I inserted some of the blocks wrong...I'm not sure if I'll fix it or leave it. I'm thinking leave it ;)

I really really enjoyed working on this quilt. It was pieced both on my featherweight & Bernina, both at home & with friends. The fabric is Nicey Jane from Heather Bailey & the solid gray is my all time favorite because it's a green based gray, by Amy Butler, I'm not sure if the color is linen or slate. I bought it from Runs with Scissors in Auburn & am planning on buying some more! I love it *that* much. If anyone is interested in a similar kona color, let me know & I'll match it :) I bought the entire line of Nicey Jane in fat quarters at an after Christmas sale. At first I wasn't sure if I liked this line, but all together, it's GORGEOUS.

The pattern is Sparkling Cider by All Washed Up. Here is a blog post they've written about it. I love love love the look of this quilt, I've got a thing for stars, the one in their blog post made with Amy Butler fabrics hangs in a local shop & every.single.time I see it, I drool. It's so summery & vintagey & fresh & modern all at once. I think thats what I love about using a pattern to make a quilt, you can take a semi-traditional pattern, use modern fabrics and have a completely different feel! The neat thing is the pattern designers, Angie & Weezie live here in Humboldt & I've met both of them, they are just really neat ladies!

It was a challenge for me in the sense that I prefer my quilts to be very simple, very easy on the eye. I can't do "scrappy" quilts or "busy" quilts, it stresses me out for some reason. I need lots of negative space, solids & small patterns or big patterns in specific areas. So when this went up on the design wall at Scottie Dog Quilts, I needed a LOT of help with how to lay out the fabrics, the pattern says scrappy, I say "LAY IT ALL OUT FIRST!!!!" because I need control. Obviously. Haha. But the ladies helped me out as usual & I couldn't have done it without them! I was ready to throw in the towel & add some more solids!

Now that I look at this photo, I realize I love this fabric line because it looks like vintage bed linens. Which EVERYONE seems to find at thrift stores...except me. Haha. Along with pyrex which I also never find.

Last night I decided I need a little more privacy in my internet life & have made facebook friends & family only. I have my ten year high school reunion coming up & various family events & would rather keep business friends contacts separate, I've been watching Mr.McPorkchops friends add photos of him from elementary school & I'd rather not have everyone witness that should it happen to me;)!  If anyone is interested, I might create a business facebook page that people can fan & I can update with shop updates, blog updates, sales, etc.

I'm planning on sitting outside...soaking up some Vitamin Sunshine, reading kindle & coughing cough coughing!!! I swear I was coughing so much in my sleep last night that I thought Mr. McPorkchop was going to kill me...sadly he's starting to get sick now :( Poor Porkchop!

Have a great Sunday everyone!!!!


{*~Happy Friday~*}

Yesterday ended up being not to shabby.

After blogging, Mr.McPorkchop decided fresh air would do us both some good. We went over to Pierson's to look at plants. My Valentine's Day gift, this great little bird planter arrived earlier in the week from prettyrandomobjects! I squee-ed SO loud when I opened it! It's just perfect! I knew I wanted a special plant for it...MINT!

We walked around the nursery, I'd never been to the nursery before and it was so beautiful. They have a giant koi pond with huge fish, some little bridges, it was pretty quiet. It was misting & cold but the fresh air felt incredible. While looking at plants (aka I was hunched down quietly blowing my nose) I found the greatest thing ever...A CAT!!!!! It was the best cat EVER! Really small in stature but extremely furry and long haired with super pretty eyes! I got to pet it and we chatted, haha. If you don't know me, you might not know that I have an obsession with cats. I want a cat like some girls want babies. Fierce. I am unfortunately allergic. Argh. Worst. So I chatted with the cat and found a pineapple mint plant!

We walked around some more, they have these glass little buildings that have neat things in them, one building of cactus and one of citrus trees. If you think I love paint names...plant names do me in as well. Mr.McPorkchop is studying to be a wildlife biologist and is extremely knowledgeable about plants. He always tells me some neat little fact about this or that. I'd make the perfect Jeopardy contestant, I'm filled with random knowledge. Fun Fact #9, it's one of my lifetime goals to be on Jeopardy.

After the nursery we decided to drive into Ferndale. This is pretty much my favorite little down. The drive is beautiful, the houses are stunning, there is a cute fabric shop & back when I ate meat, they have an incredible local burger stand. I ended up picking up backing, sashing & some woodgrain for the quilt I mentioned yesterday. Unfortunately they were out of the raindrops...so I'm a little low on fabric for the quilt & I'm not sure I can cut my entire last pony fat quarter...no fear however...

Because Heather Ross released her spoonflower collection! Pretty exciting stuff. I got some gnomes and mushrooms and the pink flowers! I'll add little bits of that when it arrives. I also ordered several of the kona cotton solid fq bundles last weekend so I may throw in some solids as well. See? Gotta make lists! Gotta plan stuff out! ;)

I've never ordered spoonflower fabric before, I was torn on the quilting weight cotton or the linen canvas, I went with cotton to see how the print quality is and if it looks great, I'll order some of the linen canvas for a tote bag! I accidentally bought some "fake" japanese fabric off etsy in December. Basically, they were rip offs of some prints, I had no idea until the fabric arrived and the print quality is DREADFUL, you can't read the text, the lines are fussy, etc. And these aren't strikeoffs or seconds, they are straight up rip offs >:( I never knew fabric print quality could differ so much. NOT to say that I think spoonflower will be bad AT ALL, I've heard amazing things about them but at $27 a yard, I want to make sure I love love love it. You know, trying to be frugal ;)

I'm definitely on the road to recovery. After we got home I slept for a little bit, hung out with Mr.McPorkchop and read in bed. Tonight I'm making this, I have a jar of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale mustard in the fridge begging to be used! I'm going to see if the co-op has pre-made whole wheat crust, I'm wayyyy too lazy to make my own. I cheat sometimes ;)

Before I go, meet Paprika!

She's the official guardian of pink fabrics. Her wig arrived yesterday, it's *much* cuter than the picture portrays. It's so mop-ish. I'm thinking in a few years my hair is going to look like this, it's already going gray, so maybe I'll keep some gray streaks & add red & purple, lol. I made her tunic & leggings! So much fun, I'm going to be listing tunic & legging sets on etsy soon! The tunic is a David Walker planet print, lined with Kona cotton & her leggings are an organic cotton ribbed knit! Neat! I learned from Patty on twitter how to set up my serger (Babylock Imagine) so I can serge the exposed seams on doll clothes so they look super professional! Woo hoo!

Ok, back to the couch & my book! I hope you have a great Friday!



This morning I thought I'd talk about how I work, my "creative process".

I'm big into projects that require planning & steps. This is most likely going to be word-y and drawn out. ;)

At first I hated anything that required more than an hour of my time. In school I hated that it look me FOREVER to paint, whereas some classmates whipped out great works in a few classes. I became self conscious the more & more I worked on something, frequently would doubt what I was doing, so I'd stop & start, stop & start. I was a trainwreck. I knew what I wanted: simple, clean, works that conveyed an emotion. Instead I'd end up with an overdone muddy mess with no direction.

What I've learned is: I can't compare my work habits to others & plan plan plan and ENJOY THE PROCESS. I can't compare myself to other folks, it's part of my New Years Resolutions! ;)

I'm the type of person who starts with an idea, an inspiration and as I'm working on it...it's morphed into something completely different than what I wanted. Sometimes this is great! Sometimes this is a mess. I've learned I work a LOT better when I have a visual plan, a theme to stick to and a clear goal. And notes. Lots & lots of notes.

When I was little, my mom owned a ceramic business (she still does!) & she'd frequently take me to other ceramic shops & supply houses. My favorite thing ever was looking at paint. I love color and still do. What inspired me most? The paint names. Fun Fact #8; I've always wanted to be the person to name paint colors. That was my "dream" job as a kid. Lemon Chiffon, Spring Grass, Soot Black...whatever. I love them all. I'd say 98% of the time when I was buying supplies for school, I'd buy paint colors on their name alone. I truly believe in color trends & love when Pantone announces their color of the year! Color gets me going.

My house is filled with piles. I'm a pile maker. Teeshirts fresh from the laundry are almost always stacked in some weird but pleasing color arrangement, my bed right now is piles upon piles of blankets & sheets all in various colors & textures, piles of yarn with crochet hooks stuck in them next to piles of patterns and the worst offender...piles of fabric. On the couch. In the kitchen. On top of the computer printer. They are EVERYWHERE.

If I'm feeling uninspired, I look to fabric and make piles of colors & patterns that please me. And then I walk around the house with them. Like a pet or something. More piles!

Eventually I'll get annoyed with the mess. Or I'll be "over it". And re-shelve them. But sometimes I find a pile & the longest it marinates in it's pile, the more I obsess over it.  And keep obsessing over it.

And then the planning begins. I sometimes use quilt patterns, sometimes I don't. I know a lot of modern quilters shy away from patterns, but meh, I think there are a lot of great traditional patterns that are just begging to be personalized. It's all about my mood, if I'm looking for something that doesn't require thinking, like something I can sew when I'm with friends or while watching a movie, I go for a pattern. If I want to fussy cut or have a commission, I work at home alone and design my own quilt with pandora playing. Two totally different moods.

In this case, I'm going to use a pattern, mostly because of the dynamic nature of the fabrics, some are begging to be fussy cut but really, I'd like to use big chunks of them so there is less waste. I'm going to make a second 5 and Dime. It's a fast quilt that can be really personalized.

So take this pile, it's a mix of Heather Ross, Heather Bailey & Tula Pink. I love these colors together. I adore chocolate browns with peaches, the yellow is an eye catcher and then there are a few small prints like the rain drops that are just too cute to not use.

The fabrics were inspired by daydreaming about late summer early evenings. The kind where your outside, it's still warm, maybe your BBQing, having a freezing cold beer, it's relaxed. If you were to take a photo, you'd get a feeling like this. Mr.McPorkchop used to take me for long car rides out in the country on summer nights when I was overwhelmed & extremely stressed out, this quilt would be the one that I'd shove the backseat for birdwatching or stargazing. It's a generous size, 60x81'', which will also be great for camping & lake swimming/floating dates.

So now I know fabrics & a pattern. At this point I'll make a list, I know, this seems like overkill.

I'll write down the goal of the quilt, the time I hope it'll take for me to accomplish, anything new I want to learn, binding & backing choices, quilting ideas, sashing colors, etc. I write down WHATEVER comes to mind because if I write it down and work my ideas out on paper, it's WAY better than when I'm sitting at the sewing machine having second thoughts. Plus, I love having something to go along with quilts. I save these in a binder. Even if the quilt doesn't get made, I keep these because who knows when I'll decide to revisit an idea. Sometimes I know my sewing goals are larger than my sewing skills, so this is how I get great ideas out on paper and once I learn a new skills (inset seams, a new ruler, a different method of piecing, etc) I can take these ideas out and work on them!

I know for this quilt I'd like to step out of the box & try a colored sashing. Normally I'm a linen or cream kinda girl, but I'm thinking a color! Maybe a shot cotton? Maybe a woodgrain? Who knows!

I realize that's a lot. I know a lot of people who simply grab fabrics, cut and come up with *amazing* quilts. Unfortunately, I can't do that. I'm an overthinker. An overplanner. Want to go on a vacation? Don't worry I'll read EVERYTHING about the area so we can do neat stuff. Want to learn a new hobby? Don't worry I'll read EVERYTHING about the craft so by the time it comes to create something, I won't want to do it ;) Just kidding.

I have a feeling that today; sooner than later I'll be heading to the doctors. I'm coming up on almost a week of being sick & it's not getting any better. This is unacceptable folks, I have quilts & lists to make, not to mention a belated Valentines Day to celebrate & fun orders to work on!

I hope your Thursday is going well!



Sometimes I'm delusional. There. I said it.

I went to bed Sunday night *convinced* that I wouldn't be sick Monday morning. And was so confused why that didn't pan out. Here I am, WEDNESDAY and still sick. If I'm not up & around by Friday, I'm going to the dr. Yesterday afternoon I thought I felt better & went to Target for more tissues, but by late last night everrrything was moving around. I've been coughing nonstop since. Ew!

I decided to try Mucinex. So far it's made me very thirsty and....its doing its job! TMI readers? Maybe!

Mr.McPorkchop & I learned something *very* rad last night...my laptop has iMovieHD! We can make videos!!!(....get your mind out of the gutter folks!!!!)

SO! I'm going to start doing some video blogging. I've realized lately that I genuinely enjoy blogs where I feel like I get to *know* the person & share in their adventures, rather than just read flat sentences with no life in them, so I'd like to jazz up this space by sharing a little more of myself.

Here's where you come in!

What would you like to see in videos? I'm thinking my first video will be sort of a Q&A, who I am, what inspires me & general jibber jabber.

Leave me a comment or shoot me an email :)

PS: If we've been talking via email about custom sewing; pads or quilts, I've been holding off on replying, your emails have been starred & I'll resume taking orders in the order they were received once I'm on my feet again :)

{*~Aqua & Pink~*}

These two colors are popping up all over my house today.

I woke up early with no voice! I sort of chrip? sqwuak? instead. I walked outside & sat in the sunshine for about 20 minutes & had a hot tea. Came back instead when it looked like it might rain. I was on the couch for ohhh maybe 20 minutes when I fell asleep. I woke back up & it was sunny again!

I made myself a scalding hot pot of "soup". I'll use the term soup loosely. I ran out of homemade stock, so I rummaged around my cabinets & found two cartons of Pacific Vegetable Broth...dated 4/2009. I tweeted, googled...I gave it a go, so far I'm not dead ;). I added chili peppers, garlic, ginger, fresh spinach, tons of pepper, a tiny bit of tortellini, and red pepper flakes. It gave me 45 minutes of nonstop running nose, which felt AMAZING. Gross right? I'm planning on hopping in a very hot shower in a bit & neti-ing my nose.

In between sleeping I've been sort of like a vegetable on the couch, working on small sketches and other couch friendly activities. I love pattern drafting and it's an activity that requires thinking, a marker, a ruler, some cardstock and creative ideas. I'm working on a blythe teeshirt pattern & teeshirt dress. Normally I'll sketch and sew and seamrip and sketch and sew until something *clicks*. I'm just not ready to sew yet, no sickness on the sewing machine! eww! ;)

Also, Mr. McPorkchop very kindly bought me this as a Valentines Day gift! I asked for it *right* before V-Day, so I knew it wouldn't arrive in time, which is A-Ok with me! I'm just so excited for it! I hope it comes either tomorrow or Thursday! I've been loving growing herbs, I think since this is a special planter, it'll get a special plant. Maybe mint? Pineapple mint? I love mint & would love to try an exotic variety! Mint & I are bffs, we get along swimmingly!

I'm going to sit outside for a little bit & get some fresh air until Mr. McPorkchop comes home on his lunch break...rumor is he's bringing me home some grapefruit sorbet from Arcata Scoop. Ice cold grapefruit on my sore throat? YES PLEASE!


I spent Valentines Day weekend down for the count with the flu. Nothing says "I Love You" more than boxes of tissues and gatorade. Gross.

One thing I struggle with is the lines of work & home life. Mr. McPorkchop & I rent a very small two room "cottage" while he's finishing up with school. One room is our bedroom & bathroom, the other is our living room/kitchen/my workspace. While sitting on the couch, I'm surrounded by work work work. After the earthquake I completely reorganized my sewing/work space & it's really great, all fabrics are organized by color, I have yarn in baskets by color, piles of craft books by author, thread on the walls and gorgeous prints on the walls, it's perfect for working. Unfortunately, it's also about 2 feet away from the kitchen. And the couch. Being sick meant me laying on the couch, waking up and seeing my sewing stuff. All.Damn.WEEKEND. I got two packages of new fabrics, new craft books and I couldn't do a damn thing with them. It's times like this that I wish I had a separate work and home space! I'm not sure how other stay at home businesses do it, unless they are smart & aren't guilt ridden ;)

Another thing I'm realizing is, if you suffer from allergies, don't move to a location where your allergies will bother you year round. I swear, I get brutal sinus infections once every 2 months, not like "oh this stinks" but "oh someone shoot me now". It's like I never get a chance to recover from them anymore, although I do know part of this is my fault, as I very rarely leave the house & expose myself to germs. Spending the summer in the dry, hot, valley will be a relief. I feel like my body is collecting moss living here! Mist! Fog! Rain! Humidity! Nooo more! Give me sunshine! I need to dry out please!!!!

I'm heading back to bed. I told myself last night that I'd wake up this morning perfectly healthy, because it's Monday, which is generally my favorite day of the week & most productive. Unfortunately my body laughed and said very loudly..."SUCKERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!" ;)

Hope your weekend was filled with hearts, the color pink & a metric ton of sweets!


Tonight I'll be on the couch, crocheting & watching documentaries on roku with a heating pad.

What are you up too tonight?

Normally Thursday is my favorite night for t.v. watching, but lately our t.v. hasn't been getting a good signal & we've lost several channels, so I'm a hulu/netflix kinda girl these days! I did catch a new show on hulu yesterday called "Past Life" it kept me entertained while I hand sewed the binding on the donkey quilt. I love new shows! If you told me from 3 years ago that I not only own a tv but watch shows on a regular basis, I'd have been shocked!!!! I've always been an avid reader, completely clueless of movie & tv culture, but sewing is great for watching tv!!! Somehow I've become hooked on several shows, my current favorites are Bones, Psych, White Collar, NCIS, Fringe, CASTLE!!...I'm sure there are more. See? I love tv now!


{*~Tuesday Treats~*}

Today was the sort of day I wish I could have EVERY day. You know the kind; where it's sunny & warm, you get to smile with your friends, your husband takes you out on an ice cream date & you get a little new fabric?

Tonight will be spent hopefully quilting a throw for Mr. McPorkchop's Valentines Day gift or at least figuring out how to quilt it, cutting fabric for orders, eating something fantastic for dinner & going to bed early. I'm trying to get up earlier & earlier each day, so far the results have been mixed ;)

P.S. Thanks for the comments, I haven't quite figured out how to reply, if I should email folks back or just reply in the little comment section?! Hmmm...

{~*Feb. Inspiration Board*~}

I'm getting ready for an exciting month. I love February!

Today, everything is being put on the back burner. I'm simply BEAT. I think my nights of sleeping 4-5 hours each night in January have finally caught up with me.

I'm slowly puttering around the house, sewing small bits & pieces of larger projects, answering emails...one thing I've noticed is I'm a REALLY slow email writer, I tend to over think my responses to simple questions! I guess in todays society, we are so hardwired with emails & the typed word that I'm concerned with how my words come across on the screen. I want to come across the same way I am in real life! Plus I try to be everyones friend and when other people write me emails...I can't help but wonder if they really want to be my friend back or if they simply could care less, or if maybe their true personality and feelings simply aren't coming through. Ouch! Sometimes the internet crafty/quilty community reminds me a little bit of the cliques of high school! Although I am admittedly a sensitive person with a lot on my plate right now, so I could just be over thinking things ;)

The rest of the day I'm finishing up a small donkey related project (yup! donkeys!!!), baking a quick bread from moosewood, trying this tonight and watching groundhog day!!! It's available on netflix watch instantly and I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! Mr. McPorkchop & I quote it constantly. I've been known to run around the house yelling "NED! ED RYERSON!!!"...hahaha!

Tomorrow we are going out of town until Monday! I'll be away from my computer until then! I hope you have a great rest of your week!

{*~Last Sunday~*}

Today is the last day of January! What a fantastic start to the New Year!

Tomorrow, being the first day of February, is so exciting! I have lots of things I can't wait to do and February is my FAVORITE month. Here in California there are some fantastic storms along with some fantastic bursts of sunshine. Stores will start carrying daffodils which are my favorite flower, days are getting longer, spring is coming but winter is still lingering enough to make me crave soup and bread. It's my favorite, plus...VALENTINES DAY. I'll admit it, I love pink!

Tonight I'll be prepping the house for a busy week. We will be heading to the valley Wednesday & staying until Sunday, spending one day in Reno for the sheep show! I've been working on some silkscreens, some custom sewing, making lists and cross stitching! Who knew little x's would be so addictive!

I hope you had a great weekend!