Yarntini Halloween Mini Skeins







It's Monday.

Did you have a nice weekend? I hope so!

I bound a quilt that Lindsay quilted for me with freaking OWLS on it.

I went through my Halloween fabric stash, cut 6.5 inch squares and sewed them into rows. I backed it with some dimple minky and it is sooooo soft. She used wool batting and some super pretty shiny purple thread. I washed it with some Soak Wash yesterday and it's cozy to the max. I sat under it for about 45 minutes yesterday playing New Leaf. Unfortunately it's also 80 degrees here so that sort of puts a damper on using it during Halloween but you know by now that I do Halloween pretty much year round. ;)

With the release of our two new Christmas patterns (tonight is the last night for promo code SNOWMAN) I've had very little knitting time but I'm daydreaming of a new project and I think I found the perfect combo!

This summer Jessie, from Yarntini asked me if I'd create a blogger bundle for her. Um. What! YES! OF COURSE!

Naturally I picked Halloween colors: orange zest, charcoal, smoky, purple haze and key lime. The base is her top shelf sock and it's sooooo soft and squishy! It's made from 80% merino, 10% cashmere & 10% nylon.

At first I thought STRIPED SOCKS but this yarn is soooo nice against skin. I sometimes just smoosh it against my face because it's so soft so I think I'm going to make a cowl. I've never had mini skeins before and I realllllly like them! It's so cool to get a little bundle of yarn in a bunch of different colors.

I *love* color work and I think I'm going to try Chevron Stripes by Jill Zielinski. It doesn't look too crazy hard and I can practice knitting with the yarn held in each hand. Plus Halloween chevrons?! Awesome! I've only done three colorwork projects so far, a pair of socks, a pair of fingerless gloves and a pair of mittens. I'm looking forward trying it again.

Next week is our wedding anniversary (yay! go team porkchop!) and this weekend we are going on a little adventure to celebrate. I'm going to bring this yarn & pattern with me and hopefully cast on. I know, I know, I have a million projects on the needles right now but I think I'm going to frog Brickless, I love the yarn but knitting it has become tedious.

I'm also SO excited, Ashleigh & I booked a class next week for learning intermediate cross stitching with an heirloom stitcher! While we both stitch a ton, we tend to use other peoples projects for our pattern covers because neither one of us loves our level of neatness, so we are going to learn how to get better! I can tell Ashleigh has gotten super neat compared to when we first started but somehow I've gotten worse! How does that even happen? Ha! So it's going to be a pumpkin road trip, I'll be sure to bring my camera and blog about it!

Remember, tonight at midnight the promo code expires for $2 off your Christmas sign ups!

I hope you have a good day, I'm going to be cross stitching a new project all week and tomorrow we have a business meeting. woo woo!!!!

The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery: New Christmas Patterns!







I'm ridiculously excited to share this with you today!

We've been working on these new patterns and they are finally available for pre-sale starting today! EEK! Plus: PROMO CODE! Double EEK!

We started in June with four winter/Christmas patterns and these are the two we picked! They are quite possibly the cutest ever.

It was *hard* picking the patterns but we loved hearing your responses on Halloween Sampler, it was a really different style for us and the direction we wanted to go in. Everyone loved the border, it's a little tricky to stitch but the sense of accomplishment when you finish is *so* worth it. 12 Days of Christmas had that border and I'm not going to lie, it's REALLY fun to stitch once you get going.

We knew we wanted to go with Weeks Dye Works again and we listened to your feedback, more variegation in the colors! The colors we picked for these two projects. OMG. So amazing, especially the Gingerbread House body, you can see in the photos how much the color changes through out and it's beautiful! The same with 12 Days of Christmas's frame, when we picked a solid for it for people who might not want to use the Weeks, it was so hard to choose because the frame changes from browns to grays and to greens. Truly stunning. My very favorite though is the richness in the red of the numbers, it's a little trick to photograph (red always is for me!) but it's very deep!

One thing we really suggest is clicking on the above Weeks Dye Works link and see if there is a needlework shop in your area, you might be surprised! We really try hard to support smaller businesses and we know that's not always possible, if you can't find Weeks locally, try 123stitch.com.

What we heard the most was "the hand dyed fabric is incredible! can we use it again?!" YES! YES! YES! We are so excited that you guys liked using it. Picture This Plus fabrics, all 100+ colors are dyed by one incredible woman. Yes. You read that correctly. Her name is Marilyn and she's just great. So when you buy hand dyed fabric, you are supporting a really neat indie company, which I'm a big fan of. We got to talk to her and she helped us pick the color for the projects, we are using the same color for both charts and it's dyed on a glitter linen. Yup! Linen with metallic thread woven into it! If glitter doesn't say Christmas, idk what does! ;)

And of course! FLOSS BUNDLES!!! The workroom is carrying Cosmo bundles for each project, so you'll be stitching it up in all beautiful, silky solids. They are dreamy.

Here are some little details of each mystery project:

12 Days of Christmas:

  • This is based on the song, The 12 Days of Christmas!
  • My favorite version is The Muppets & John Denver.
  • Lace border featuring: mittens! snowflakes! music notes! trees!
  • Each square will be a scene from the song, sneak peek shows 8! 8 Maids are Milking! It was so hard to pick which day to share but I love that little cow!
  • There is stitching to start once your supplies arrive like our other patterns have been, the lace border and the inner green border. This projects squares doesn't start being filled in until November 29th.
  • More traditional, rich jewel toned colors.

Christmas on Gingerbread Lane:

  • This is a neighborhood made up of gingerbread houses, roof top adventures, snow ball fights and shenanigans.
  • Lots of small details: gum drop roofs, snowmen in scarves and little ice skaters.
  • The bottom of the chart features a cute scalloped frame with the numbers 1-25, counting down to Christmas!
  • This pattern has NO stitching before it's release date of November 15th!
  • Bright colors, lots of pinks, teals and pops of red.

If you sign up for both patterns, in a single purchase between now and 10/21 at midnight PST, you can use promo code SNOWMAN for $2 off! Woo woo!


I hope you'll join us, I had so much fun stitching up the 12 Days project last week, I'm still unsure if I'll frame it or make it into a pillow. Ashleigh's finished the Gingerbread pattern and I think she's making a pillow, we found some cute Christmas fabric last week!


(ps: I'm not allowing comments on this post ONLY because if someone has a question, we can answer fastest via email: thefrostedpumpkinstitchery at gmail dot com)

Autumn Sampler, I love you so much.

photo (16)




We just released our third week of Autumn Sampler! YESSSS!

Ok, so we've done all the previous seasons in a 25 block format (you can find winter, spring and summer here) but this one I wanted to be extra special. I'm a total Fall Girl. I love Autumn, it's truly my most very favorite time of year.

When Ashleigh & I sat down to design the pattern I made a list of Very Important Things that had to be included in this pattern:

  • Pumpkin Spice EVERYTHING (sorry PS haters!!!)
  • Sock Knitting
  • Leaf Peeping
  • Cozy Homes
  • Warm Drinks
  • Something Primitive Style (my most favorite quilting/stitching style-yet I've never done it before!)
  • Turkey!

Ashleigh wanted:

  • Continuing theme (like something builds each week-hint check out the apple basket in week one and the baking in week three!)
  • Apples galore
  • Pumpkins xamillion
  • More people
  • Cute animals
  • Back to school

As she worked on it, we built the color palette (you can buy one here), it's warm and filled with rich earthy tones. This is so much fun for us, we bring Ashleigh's laptop into Michaels and pull up the chart, then we sit on the floor (I know, we are kind of obnoxious) and pull embroidery floss and create a palette. It's so much fun to say "oh no, not that brown, THIS brown, this is a good brownbrown" and "that is the best burgundy ever, no other burgundy can ever come close- wait, I like this one better". We *really* have a good time with it. And I'm glad that we each got all the things we wanted in this one sampler! Woowoo!!!!

I got a new scroll bar and frame (you can buy it here but we don't recommend it- very expensive & not so good quality), set it up to start stitching and realized I cut my fabric wayyyy too small. Heartbreaking! So Ashleigh built me a little chart that is just 9 squares, I'm going to stitch it up and make a pouch. It'll take me forever because we are currently stitching all our winter patterns but it's SO much fun. I'll be sure to post photos of it once it's done, but it might be in November. ;)

Tomorrow we are getting together bright & early and re-vamping our stitch guide. We designed all new graphics and made it a lot bigger with more details, I'm so excited to put it in our patterns. I think it's going to help people a lot. Plus, we are *always* growing as small business owners/designers, we are constantly editing and updating, it's a good cycle! If all goes well, it'll be sent out in week 4 of Autumn Sampler and we'll update all the previous patterns with it. *knock on wood!*

And then we are hopefully *crossing my fingers* picking the palette for our 2014 year long sampler! EEK! I've only told two people the theme of the 2014 club and both people said it was AWESOME. And Ashleigh's designs just keep getting more and more rad. When she first said the theme I was like "hmmm" but then I saw the first four months and almost fell over. It's amazing. I'm really looking forward to stitching up the sample for that one, it's going to be a blast and has lots of small details. I can tell you that fans of Japanese kawaii fabric are going to love this pattern.

Our facebook group has been really active, it's pretty neat watching everyone interact and share their tips/tricks. I feel like I've learned a lot! Plus everyone is really friendly which is always awesome. I want everyone to feel welcome to stitch-a-long with us always, that's a big thing that Ashleigh & I want to encourage. Friendliness = Awesomeness!

If you want to join our group, we'd love to have you! And if you want to sign up for Autumn Sampler, you can sign up until tomorrow night at midnight PST for $12.95, then the price rises to it's permanent price of $16.95.

I'm hoping to get far enough along in one of our winter patterns to share a sneak peek next week, cross your fingers!!! :):):)



Halloween Spooky Sampler: Finished!








The final club email of Halloween Spooky Sampler went out last week and I'm so freaking obsessed with this pattern. Seriously. It is just so dang cute! Ashleigh totally did a great job on this chart.

My favorite parts:

  • skull lace border
  • mouse with cheese
  • the witches little face!

I was working on emails yesterday and listening to the knitgirllls after you guys suggested their podcast, they were talking about their CAL AND THEY FREAKING MENTIONED SPOOKY SAMPLER! I almost fell off my chair! I have no idea how they knew we even existed because we are small, Ashleigh just now is to the gusset on her first sock and I just knit little things, I'm barely active on ravelry! IT WAS SO COOL. SO! If you want to join their CAL, you can make this pattern too! I totally want to join in, I'm not quite sure what I'd make but the board seems *really* friendly!

Speaking of FRIENDLY!

People have been asking us for ages for a FACEBOOK GROUP! I am the absolute least facebook savvy person ever, I couldn't figure out why people wanted a group when we have a page, but then I realized I'm part of a group already! A private book club!

So I'm gathering it's more like a place where it's less formal and you can chat a ton. So we now have a group and we'd love it if you wanted to stitch-a-long with us. All our patterns are sold year round, lots of times people assume that once the club is over, the pattern is done but NOPE! You can stitch any of our patterns whenever you want! It's also good for people who don't want to commit to a mystery, now you can see what the final chart is like!

Can I share with you guys a few finished projects that people sent in???

madewithover (2)

madewithover (3) madewithover (9)

madewithover (8)

madewithover (7)

madewithover (6)

madewithover (5)

madewithover (4)

madewithover (3)


EEP! And I know that at least 2 of these folks...it's their FIRST CROSS STITCH PROJECT. Um yeah! So cool right?

Anyways, if you are looking for a fun Halloween project, this is so it! And if you are working on one of our patterns or want to learn and want to come chat with other cross stitchers, join our group! I'm going to do another blog post about Autumn Sampler and share sneak peeks of our new winter patterns soon!


Halloween Spooky Sampler: Week Two





Ashleigh told me last night that this week of Halloween Spooky Sampler is her favorite, I think next week might be mine. But I *love* the owls and witch in this one!

I'm so glad everyone didn't mind that I shared this project last week, we are in the process of wrapping up our winter samplers this week. Winter! Crazy right? It's still over 90 degrees outside! We are getting together tomorrow and we have three pieces of gorgeous hand dyed GLITTER fabric to assign to each chart. Yes, THREE! And when I say glitter, I mean omg it's WOVEN into the linen. And it's so sparkly! I'm reallllllllyyyyy excited.

So this week we have:

  • L is for Lollipop!
  • O is for Owl!
  • W is for Witch!

I had an hour to cross stitch this weekend and I made a tiny bit of progress on my Autumn Sampler, I want like, a full weekend just to sit and cross stitch! Once I get into the rhythm it's so relaxing and fun! It didn't hurt that I had a homemade Pumpkin Spice latte either. I had wishful thinking that I'd spend last week sewing and stitching but in reality I ran out of time! Isn't that how it always is?



Halloween Spooky Sampler: Week One





I try not to self promote too heavily on my blog, just because I'm not sure how many people actually are interested in cross stitch or the process behind designing a pattern but I absolutely HAVE to share this sampler with you. I just do. And this year the Pumpkin's have become a huge part of my everyday life so it feels sort of funny to not talk about!

Ashleigh & I are so obsessively and emotionally involved in this project. It's our baby. Our total pride & joy. We wanted to launch a new line of samplers for 2014 and this is our starting point. Here are new things:

For the past year all our seasonal samplers have been 25 squares with frames, I both love & hate those frames. I *love* how the finished sampler looks but omg stitching the frames, I'm the slowest ever. So Ashleigh wanted to try something different, a bigger and more elaborate frame.

I personally feel like she nailed it. A skull and bat lace border! When she started texting me screen shots, I almost fell over. SO clever. Then we decided it would be fun to spell out Halloween inside and use each letter to illustrate something Halloweenie!

So far we have:

  • H is for Haunted House
  • A is for Apparition
  • L is for Lightning

And you can see a teeny tiny bit of O...;) I had so much fun making lists and trying to figure out what each letter would stand for. Brainstorming for this project just spawned a ton of pages of ideas for upcoming projects for sure!

When she brought over her finished sampler for me to photograph, I spent all of Friday morning taking photos. If quilts are fun to take photos of and yarn is amazing to take photos of, cross stitch might be the winner. I easily took over 50 photos, just messing around. It's SO fun. All the little tiny stitches, the variegation of the hand dyed floss and the depth of the hand dyed fabric. It just glows.

Autumn Sampler...wowowowowow!

Ok, I won't go into it too much but this season finishes off the series of 25 squares. And these squares! So so so dang cozy. Like, filled to the brim with apple picking, pumpkins, drinks & treats, a scarecrow, a little back to school themed block and creatures. I can't wait for an afternoon to take photos of it all. It's so good. I'm stitching this one (but we also have testers working on it too and one is already done- remember, I'm slow and messy, I'm not cover worthy! ;)) and I hope I can share some photos with you!

My goal this week is to finish up a bunch of work and then spend the weekend watching Haven and working on Autumn Sampler! I'd also love to have a finished quilt by Friday but I'm not sure if I can squeeze it in. I sure hope so. I've been looking forward to the season premier all summer and I want to have a new quilt because I'm weird like that. I'm kind of freaking out. This show is my very, very, very, favorite. And Pam & I always chat about it afterwards too. GO TEAM NATHAN!!!!!! Also, I probably don't need a cozy new quilt because...you know...it's 100 degrees still. Ew. Oh, one more thing before I go, Sleepy Hollow as a t.v. show?! WHAT! Count me in! I hope it's good. I'm also counting down until new season of Grimm. I super love Rosalee but Juliette. Ugh.

Somehow I started this blog post chatting about Halloween Sampler and ended it with Fall T.V. shows, lol.

Okok, off to work! <3

Small Business Partnership Tips



Let's talk about business partnerships today k?

If you are new to this blog, I co-own The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery with my bff, Ashleigh.

Here are a few things I thought might help or interest some folks. I call them my Rules to Successful Partnership 101.

  • What assets do YOU bring to your partnership?

Really stop and think about this. An asset can be money, skills, a particular talent, etc. In our partnership, Ashleigh brings all her graphic design knowledge and creativity. I know *nothing* about computers, I can resize my photos and that's pretty much it. Without her computer skills, there would be no PDFs, no cute store front, nothing. What do I bring to the partnership? Years of self employment experience, social media connections, and the ability to be the public figure in our business. I manage our finances, work on our facebook page, work on emails and promote our patterns. The point is, for a successful partnership to work, you HAVE to bring something to the table constantly and consistently. Otherwise, you or the other person could just be in business alone!

  • Get the what if's in WRITING!

No seriously, get it in writing. One of the most common mistakes businesses make is they put the businesses successes first and don't provide an answer to the WHAT IF's. What if: we get into a fight and hate each other? What if: an accident happens and we can't work? What if: something tragic happens to one of us? Yeah, those are all things we'd rather not think about but you know what? One afternoon of thinking it out, coming up with scenarios and writing out a PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT and we feel amazing about the future. I'd be crushed if the business dissolved, but there is no guessing or trying to figure out who gets what. It's already done and taken care of. We've already decided that. No stress. And we wrote all 38 pages of our partnership agreement so if the business fails, our friendship can stay in tact. And my friendship is WAY more important than the business. There are many partnership agreement templates online, we found a basic one and edited it to death so BOTH of us would be protected. This isn't because we don't trust each other, it's the opposite, we are doing it to protect each other. And most banks require you to have a partnership agreement on file before you can have a joint business account. Our partnership agreement was overlooked by a lawyer, a banker, our accountant and our small business adviser and they ALL said it incredibly through. Trust me, take the time to discuss the what if's and get it in writing.

  • Be Transparent 24/7

When your business is your full time job, your only means of income and you basically live & breathe your work, you NEED to trust the other person. It just has to happen that way. I am the least trusting and most jaded person ever (sad but true!) so for me to just let go and trust in Ashleigh is huge. But it's worked and it's been great. We are completely 100% transparent with each other, we share EVERYTHING with no hidden ulterior motives. Small details like "oh I have to go do this and this today" to big details like "uhh I have a huge hospital bill hanging over my head that is stressing me out". It helps us know where the other person is coming from. By constantly sharing things, your on the same page and the goals are the same. One of us is always working on our set tasks, if one of us is concerned about something, we address it. Always.

  • Be realistic about your personality.

That's weird to type but it's true. I'm a work-a-holic who wants everything done YESTERDAY. I have absolutely no patience for drama, girl games or lackadaisical behavior. I set the bar ridiculously high for myself. I know these things about myself & I highly doubt I could work well with anyone other than Ashleigh. I need to know the status of everything, what our fiances look like, what our schedules are, what our goals are, what she's working on, what I'm working on, our next 6 months, etc. I am an obsessive person. And I know because of this a lot of people find me cold and overbearing because I'm brutally direct & to the point. Our partnership works because Ashleigh is very laid back, she's not dramatic or gossipy, she's an *incredibly* hard worker and she wants this to succeed as much as I do. She's just as driven as I am, I have to tell her to get sleep and to take time off, she's notorious for working herself into the ground. And she tells me to simmer down sometimes and I need that because I get all anxious and riled up. It's a balance. It's SO important that you are honest with yourself about who you really are as a person, I know that sounds silly but it's true.

  • Partnership means just that. PARTNERS.

This is a big one. A partnership is between two people. In a lot of ways partnership is like marriage. I *never* complain or speak ill of Chop. To anyone. Ever. To me, that's a huge violation of trust. And it's rude. We all have little quirks that can drive each other crazy but you'll never find me posting it on facebook or whatever. Partnership is the same, if Ashleigh does something that drives me nuts, I talk to HER about it (I don't think this has ever even happened to be honest-she's truly the easiest person to get along with), not everyone else. And she does the same for me. There isn't room in a partnership for other people. If one of us makes a mistake, we both take the blame and consequences. No one stands alone. We don't talk about money with anyone, we don't talk about numbers unless they are someone who needs to know or can offer advice. What happens with the Pumpkins, stays between the Pumpkins. The end.

  • Utilize technology. Work smarter, not harder.

I'm a big fan of being organized. We each have an iPad for work and our calendars are synced so we know where we stand with projects, our goals for releasing new patterns, when our taxes are due, the schedules for new patterns, tracking our mileage, the deadlines for us and our pattern testers. It's a lot of little details that have to fit together like a puzzle to create the bigger picture. We each have flash drives that contain all the same files, I know that doesn't sound like a big deal but Ashleigh uses four software programs to create our patterns and if something goes haywire, we'd be LOST. I'm in the process of switching from QuickBooks to FreeAgent because it's so much easier and smarter. Find apps that allow you to multitask. I'm always searching out ways to just work better and more smoothly. Don't ever think that there is just *one* way to do things, research it because you might find something that works so much easier for you!

  • Appreciate each other!

Whenever Ashleigh & I say goodbye at the end of a day of work, I always hug her and thank her for her hard work. She does things that I don't even understand and sometimes I feel like she's speaking a different language of file sizes, vectors and whatever else. I couldn't do this without her. I told you guys how we recently celebrated Friendship Day because sometimes you HAVE to schedule in some fun! It just makes work so much better. We also look for any excuse to celebrate with treats, for example after we've completed 5 weeks of a sampler, we'll go out to lunch and talk about what went awesome and what didn't. Or buy new sock yarn. It's important to celebrate the little things because the little things help a business become BIG! Plus, who doesn't love a nice GF Lemon Bar?! We do!!! And while we work really hard, we don't take ourselves too seriously. Because how can you be super serious when you design pumpkin cupcakes with eyeballs & want to cover everything in glitter?!


ps: that curly haired girl is Ashleigh. She's pretty internet shy but look at that hair! My hair is obnoxiously straight, I'm always threatening to shave her head so I can wear her hair as a wig. I'm kind of creeeeeeeepy! ;)



Hello, nice to see you!

I can't believe it's been over a month since I've blogged! Yikes! I hope you'll forgive me!

I'm recovering from surgery! I don't want to get too personal because that's not how I am but it's just going to make my life a lot more enjoyable. But the downside is I'm healing super slow and I've reached the point where I want to DO EVERYTHING but physically can DO NOTHING. So frustrating!

I spent an entire week on the couch, doing nothing but reading and knitting. I'm not going to lie, it was kind of amazing. I very rarely sit still that long and to just SIT with zero obligations felt incredible. I knit a pair of socks in 4 days! 4!!! That's amazing to type. I read soooo many books, they deserve a blog post of their own. The socks do too! And then I knit a pair of fingerless gloves. I also finished some Halloween socks but the yarn is disappointing so they don't deserve a blog post of their own. ;) But now I've reached the antsy stage, I wish I could have bottled the week of calm. I did nothing on the internet except goodreads and it felt kind of nice!

Before surgery I had a week to get things together & prepared. I finished my birthday quilt which you can see in these photos. I was SO hoping to have it completely done before surgery but I ran out of time. It worked out ok though because once I piece the back, Lindsay is going to quilt it for me! YIPPEEEE! There is something super magical about sending out a quilt top and having it come back super fancy!

Ashleigh & I have been working our butts off. We both are so crazy for Halloween & Fall, after a million hours, we decided to run TWO CLUBS. This is huge for us and it's awesome. Basically, we made a list of all of our favorite things and realized we had to go big or go home. And we went big. If you follow us on facebook you'll know that we've been sharing sneak peeks here and there, it is SO hard not to share the entire projects. Halloween Sampler is strictly Halloween and it's incredible. Skull & bat LACE BORDER. Hand dyed floss! Hand dyed fabric! It's very different than what we've done before & I love it. My floss arrived earlier this week and I can't wait to work on it.

And then! We are doing our very last season, AUTUMN! It matches the previous seasons, 25 squares of seasonal goodness but NOTHING Halloween. I love this one because Ashleigh literally crammed everything Autumn into this. Baking. Apple picking. Pumpkins galore. KNITTING (yes! That's a sock! On a blocker! With a yarn ball & a circular needle!) Woodland Creatures. Snacks. I would go as far as saying these are our two best charts to date. Seriously. I can't stop gushing about it & I'm pretty sure everyone on instagram is sick of seeing me work on it.

My birthday was last week, it was the first time I haven't made a giant event of it. I mostly slept and read. I ate 1/2 a kit kat. I watched some owls. Chop surprised me with balloons, yarn, flowers, a vacation in October...the whole shabang. He's totally a keeper, he's had the patience of a saint with me.

Here are a few things I *love* x a million:

Sheesh. That's a lot.

I'm going to go read & eat a pomegranate. <3

The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery Presents: 2013 Summer Sampler!

I'm kind of freaking out! In the very best way of course!

Ashleigh & I have been working on this chart since March and I honestly think it's our best yet.

If you've been reading or following along, we spent the winter taking intensive business classes and meeting with a marketing expert. We knew we loved our business but definitely could use a lot of help! Our biggest goal of 2013 is to make The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery our full time job.

And we both now can say designing cross stitch patterns is our full time job!!! YESSSS!!!! And we have teamed up with a great business to help you get supplies! Small businesses helping small businesses is incredible!

This sampler is the summer part of our series that we started last December with Kawaii Winter Sampler and again in April with Springtime Sampler! There will be a Autumn Sampler too! (how could we not- I *love* fall!)

All four samplers are cohesive:

  • There are 25 little square frames.
  • It's a mystery!
  • Once a week for five weeks straight you fill in 5 frames at a time with kawaii goodness.
  • At the end of the year you'll have 4 seasons, all 11x11 inch cross stitched squares to frame & hang or make into pillows or whatever. But they all match. I'm hoping to have a little gallery when we buy a house of all 4 hanging together or making them into pillows and putting them out during the appropriate season.
  • A one time payment, not installments.

This is the pre-sale time which means when you sign up, get a list of supplies, a schedule, some notes with fun details of what to expect in June (contest, promo code, a goal!), a stitch guide and a cute little printable, PLUS  the chart for all 25 empty frames so you can get started stitching! And it's $12.95 until mid-June when we rise the price to $16.95.

Starting June 21st you'll receive a super cute email & pdf from us once a week and you'll start filling in the blocks! Awesome! This is my favorite part. I've learned how to set up the email list so it automatically sends at 12:15 am and waking up to see your excitement on facebook & instagram is the BEST! I also love posting sneak peeks and watching people guess, so much fun!

It's totally a surprise but I will say these blocks are filled to the BRIM with cuteness. Think of all the best things of summer- iced coffee *wink wink*, watermelon, camping- they'll alllllll be in this sampler!

The workroom carries floss bundles, fabric and beautiful notions! All for Summer Sampler as well as previous samplers which is awesome. So if you want to spend your summer vacation cross stitching, they've got you covered.

We hope you'll join us this summer and don't forget! We now offer gift subscriptions if you want to surprise someone special or stitch-a-long with a friend!

Tomorrow Chop & I are celebrating 7 years together! 7! incredible! I hope you guys have a nice weekend!

ps: If you signed up, check out the button in my sidebar! You can copy & paste the code into your blog to share that you are a Summer Pumpkin!

Works in Progress: May Edition

I thought I'd share with you all my current WIPs (works in progress). Some of these are long term, some are instant gratification, some are work related and some are just silly.

I took my photos this morning before the sun was fully risen in our bedroom so they are a little dark but that's ok right?! ;)

I'll start with my most recent sewing:

Amanda from Westwood Acres very sweetly sent me some Briar Rose scraps! I knew instantly that I wanted to make the same pouch that Amy did. I made it my goal to use JUST scraps and NOT cut them. Oh and improv piece it. Those are all things I'm quite terrible at but I wanted to branch out. I'm not sure I *love* it but that's ok! Unfortunately my sewing machine started to act funny during the quilting (ok-let's be honest, it's been cranky all winter). I did all the normal things: clean, oil, replace needles/bobbins/etc. Still no luck. By the time I attached the piping the machine wasn't holding it's tension at all anymore SO! To the dealer I will go and get a tune-up. And I think the timing is slightly off. No sewing for a little while!

Two weeks ago I got it into my head that I *needed* a new Halloween quilt. I decided to make a new Donut Quilt from my stash. I have the blocks partly done. It'll be a fast finish once I get my machine fixed. I haven't decided on a border fabric yet though. All I know is, that donut quilt gets SO much love around here, it's the perfect size for me to drag everywhere. I think this might be the first time I've ever made a pattern twice?!

Oh these blocks! They kill me! (in a very good way of course!) They are from the Forest QAL and quite possibly my favorite things ever. However, I need at least a full day of complete quiet for each block. Not because they are hard, they are really straight forward but because I am *really* slow at paper piecing and these blocks have a ton of pieces in them. I have the feather and the woodpecker done, I'm using just scraps which is fun. It's a little tricky to pick fabrics for them though. This is definitely my long term project- it's special and I'm not into rushing it. I'd love to finish it by July and enter it into the fair but that's probably wishful thinking. Also: They are crunchy & wrinkled looking because...I haven't removed the paper yet! LOL! ;)

I've needed to apply the binding to this quilt since March. Eep! Lindsay did an amazing quilting job on it! But literally that's the only corner bound. It doesn't stop me from using it all the time though.

It's not all sewing though...I cast on for a new pair of socks this week! I happily knit outside in Chico yesterday while Ashleigh worked on our shop! It got a facelift! And we re-released Fruit of the Month Club! Somehow in my excitement to be hanging out, I started doing the size large chart on my size medium sock! Doh! But I tried them on and somehow the pattern is still pretty centered. Maybe my feet are strange shaped? IDK! But I'm going to keep going. They also got the nickname "Cinnamon Toast Crunch Socks" from Chop?!

Speaking of work! Here is my Woodland Sampler! Even though we've had the full chart done & tested last year, I cross stitch along with everyone. It's just more fun that way. Plus I can share sneak peeks leading up to the first of each month!

That's everything! All my current WIPs! How about you? What are you working on?

My favorite snack ever. And my favorite pan ever. Le Creuset's Soup Pot.

Where do I begin today's blog post?

 If it was legal to marry a pan..


Snacking is why I'm chubby..

I love Friday's..


Ok let's start here:

In August Le Creuset sent me some amazing pans to try and review. Crazy right? I'm not a food blogger at all, I'm just a girl who loves to cook. A lot. And I like inspiring other people to cook, via instagram and by teaching them in classes.

I'm going to have a full week of pan/cookware reviews coming up soon but I can't stop obsessing over this pan so I'll share a smidge about it today. And popcorn. And dill.

One of my hugest pet peeves is when a company gives a person an item to review and then 24 hours later, they give this gushing, glowing review. What the what?! How can you form an opinion that quick?! I certainly can't. Which is why I rarely accept things from manufacturers and why my blog is ad free. But this pan? I've lived with it. I've dropped it. I've had cooking successes and failures in it. It's been abused. And hands down, without a doubt, if you asked me what my very favorite pan is, I'd say this one. If I was stuck on an island with one pan, this would be my choice. It's my soulmate in pan form!

It's real name is Le Creuset's 4 1/4 Qt Soup Pot. The color I have is called Ocean and it's quite possibly the most beautiful color. A few years ago Chop surprised me with the tea kettle in the same color and it's dreamy. A perfect slate gray. And it's DURABLE. I've brought it too and from cooking classes, friends houses, camping, etc. I had a rather memorable occasion  (read that as, I was horrified!) when I was juggling things out of our car and dropped it onto the pavement. No dings. No scratches. Relief for sure!

Our electric stove is quite possibly one of the worst. It's ancient (no really!) and it has two settings: barely on and flaming hot. This pan distributes heat wonderfully. I can simmer soups successfully, I can create amazing jams and it goes from stove top to oven perfectly- ala my favorite curry recipe. 

Ok, so later on I'll tell you more about this pan because I'm totally in fan girl mode right now and I'm rambling and I REALLY want to share with you my obsession with popcorn! And dill!

When I was little my mom, who's an amazing cook, would make things like chicken & dumplings and I'd throw a hissy fit because I hated the green floating things (dill). Thankfully I've grown out of my hatred of dill (like, 3 months ago).

So now I eat dill like, daily. On eggs, mixed in yogurt cheese, in soups, on baked yams. Basically, dill 24/7. And now..dill popcorn.

I saw on pinterest a link to Soule Mama's blog post about popcorn. And I thought it would be fun to take some photos of my favorite popcorn and share them with you!

I make my popcorn on the stove top using Simply Recipe's method, which is super easy and always works out perfectly. Even if you have a horrid stove. You just need a good pan. ;)

Here's what I do differently:

A heaping tablespoon of coconut oil instead of another neutral oil. I found this out accidentally, I don't keep many oils in the house except for olive oil, which you shouldn't use because it'll burn. I had a heaping tablespoon of coconut oil left in a jar and gave it a try...perfect!

I use 1/4 cup of dill, a hearty shake (or 5) of Bragg's Sprinkle, a melted tablespoon of butter, some smoked Alder salt (it sounds weird but it's heavenly), some garlic powder and a healthy grating of romano cheese. That's it. And it's perfect for Friday's! You can eat it out of the pan if you are lazy like me or share with your family.

You know what else is perfect for Friday's?! Springtime Sampler. YES. It's ready for pre-sale today and it has a chart to get you started! And theworkroom has floss bundles and fabric!

That's a lot of info for one blog post huh? I'll be back on Monday with some Springtime Sampler sneak peeks.

Have a good weekend!

March Means...Marchy McMushroom!


Soooo many people were like OMG SO MUCH STITCHING IN FEBRUARY! I'm super glad when we designed the pattern that we put this little mushroom in for March! I think it'll help people not become too discouraged. April is going to be super fun, it has a lot of details but not so many that it'll be overwhelming.

Can you guess who named this guy? I did. ;) Haha! Each time we come up with a pattern, I send Ashleigh these goofy little emails with a story about the character. Because I think I'm actually a daydreaming 8 year old, doodling in a notebook and laying in the grass.

Here is this guys story in email form.

"hi mushroom, what's your name?"

"my name is marchy mcmushroom! I live in a little glass terrarium in the study of a girl who loves kit kats!"::
Can you guess who recently discovered the joy of kit kats? ;) I told Porkchop yesterday my dream milkshake would involve kit kats and potato chips. Clearly I'm craving salty & sweet. But don't worry, I didn't actually make that milkshake.
Actually, speaking of strange food, one last thing before I go...have you guys seen the Lay's new flavor chips? I got a bag of chicken & waffles and a bag of sriracha. I've had a few of the chicken & waffles, I've never actually had the pleasure of eating chicken & waffles together but I'm sort of obsessed with the idea. I love...salty & sweet (I know, I'm repetitive and predictable!). One of my favorite things is breakfast sausage with maple, when I make sausage from scratch I tend to go a teeny bit overboard on the maple extract. And I lust after making this recipe ALL THE TIME but you know...clearly not a health food. ANYWAYS, the chicken & waffle chips aren't too shabby. I can't eat more than a 4-5 at once because they are a little much but a good rare treat!
And, you can sign up for Woodland Sampler year round! There's no deadline, you can join whenever you want! The workroom has floss in stock for it too! We do have another club coming up, SPRINGTIME SAMPLER! I've been sneaking in photos on instagram but I'll take some photos today for the blog so you guys can see it too!
It's supposed to be 72 degrees here today and I have spring fever xten.

Woodland Sampler: February Midnight Raccoon Bandit

Oh hi!

February's Woodland Sampler was released on the 1st and I'm in *love* with this little raccoon. I swear, Ashleigh's designs just get better and better!

You can sign up year round and there is no such thing as being "behind". We get so many emails asking if it's ok to start now...heck yes! You can start whenever you want!

The pattern is here & you can get floss bundles here!

Ashleigh & I got together today and finished up the color palette for Kawaii Spring Sampler. After doing the Kawaii Winter Sampler we had lots of requests for more seasons so we decided to do all of them! I'll let you know when the pre-sale goes live! We also are finishing up the stitching on the new Around the World patterns...eek!

Don't forget, #woodlandsampler on instagram shows you all the works in progress, plus you can post to our facebook page AND you can email us your photos directly :):)

Long Weekend Projects

I started a little embroidery yesterday for a friend who's having a baby. I'm super slow at embroidering so I figured I'd get a head start! I'm using this pattern, because mama-to-be is a Kurt Hasley fan. I don't know if it's going to be a boy or girl yet so I picked some constellation scraps for the background. Stars are gender neutral right?! ;) I super love iron on patterns, I'm the absolute worst at tracing and for some reason the whole "iron it and it's magically on your fabric" is really magical to me. I'm a nerd. ;)

Porkchop made me a little scrap thread holder! It's a piece of 4" x 6" wood that he wrapped fabric around and stapled down. Then he hammered a few nails in it and we sprayed it with a bit of glitter spray. I love it so much, I tend to just leave little piles of floss everywhere and now I have them all together with me!

I finished my Donut Quilt on Sunday night, it was the best weekend of sewing, relaxing and watching t.v. Those are the best kinds of weekends to me.

Also! Voting ended in our poll for the next patterns! We'll be doing Japan, Australia and Ireland! Ashleigh is already designing and I've ordered new linen/evenweave for us this morning. I can't wait to start stitching them and sharing sneak peeks! I was begging everyone I knew to vote for Japan, Ireland and Russia, but sadly Russia didn't win! But once these patterns are done, we'll have another round of voting! :):)

I hope you had a nice long weekend :)

Weekend Plans: Frosted Pumpkin Shop Update & Donut Quilt


Today was the best mail day, all the fabrics I needed to complete my donut quilt arrived! Woo! That never happens! Usually one or two will meander in at a time but today, BAM! all at once! Although sadly the fabric I'd planned to bind the quilt with I bought in the wrong color! oops!

I spent the afternoon listening to Driving Mr. Dead & cutting this quilt out. I never listened to audiobooks until last year when Amber got me into them. Now I can't imagine an afternoon without them! Molly Harper's books are read by Amanda Ronconi and she takes the book up a notch. Truly *hilarious*.

This quilt is the most sweet and girly thing I've ever sewn. I used Lizzy's little constellation stars for the background, a bunch of favorite pinks (and two rebel black fabrics) for the donuts and then the border I went with pearl bracelets in cotton candy. And then! I found donut fabric for the backing. That totally cracks me up!

Ashleigh & I are asking for your help! We are having a poll to decide the next countries in our Around the World Series! You can vote between now and Sunday! Full confession: I voted for Japan with my other hopes being Ireland & Russia!

We've also updated our shop with all the new Valentine's Day patterns, included one we kept secret, Elements of Love! ooOOOooo!

What are you going to do this weekend? I'm cross stitching and working on this quilt. I heard a rumor someone is going to take me out for yogurt tonight. ;)

The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery Presents: Valentine's Day!


It's almost time for new patterns!!!!

These new cuties will be available tomorrow evening on our bigcartel shop! 

I can't wait!!! I stitched up the latte love & you are smashing, Ashleigh stitched up the bacon & eggs...sooo much fun! We had a little party on New Years Eve and sat up until 4 am cross stitching & playing with her two puppies. Best! I used the scraps left over from my Woodland Sampler that I glitter sprayed. Smash used a scrap of evenweave from her stash.

I printed out a copy of the pattern with some floss and linen as a little hello for my neighbor. I think these would be super cute stitched up as gifts! Imagine a few for teachers gifts or for bffs? Adorbs!

I'll post an announcement on facebook when they are up for sale!

Who's ready for some weekend stitching?!

DIY Glitter Linen

Raise your hand if you love glitter!

Meee!!! I loooove glitter. Fierce. And I also love cross stitch. Combine the two and you get pure radness!

You can buy commercial glitter linen from sources like dovestitch.com but if you are like me and want the most glitter for your buck, try this!

Here's what you'll need:

  • Krylon Glitter Spray or Krylon Glitter Blast. I can only vouch for these two sprays, different brands may vary. I picked Glitter Blast in Diamond Dust & Glitter Spray in a Multicolor. The multicolor has bits of red, blue, silver, gold and green. I went with Krylon because these are acid free. I purchased these at Michael's with a coupon. The small can is $5.99 and the large is $7.99 without a coupon. You could get a LOT of glitter linen out of each can. And they had a ton of colors, gold, silver, pink, green, etc.
  • Linen Scraps. Please try this project on scraps first, I'd hate for you to buy expensive linen and have it not work out!.
  • Either newspaper or paper bags. Or your front steps. Just a place to spray your fabric outside.


You really want to work on this project outside, it's spray paint and it stinks.

I simply laid down my fabric and using even strokes, covered the fabric with the spray paint. Easy right?

Here are a few tips:

  • Let the fabric sit 24-48 hrs before you try to stitch on it. Not because it's wet but because the fumes are crazy.
  • The fabric will be SUPER stiff. I found I liked it, but if you don't want super stiff fabric, you probably don't want to try this project.
  • I completed an entire project with minimal glitter shedding. Occasionally I'd look down and see a piece of glitter or two on my hands but it didn't fall everywhere.
  • The fibers of the linen can be stuck together, meaning it's a little easy to miscount but a few stitches in I figured it out.
  •  It WILL darken your fabric considerably. In the photo of the spray paint cans, the linen on the left has been glittered, the right hasn't.


Here in this photo shows the original linen rolled up and then the glittered linens below it! Exact same one, Charles Craft Irish Linen Tea Dyed! See how light it is compared to the glittered ones?! Neat!

Look how awesome glitter floss looks with glitter linen?! This is Cosmo's White (silver!) and it's super dreamy looking. I'm working on a project today with this sparkle floss and I can't wait!

See how nice the stitches pop?! This has been ironed on low with a dish towel between the iron and the linen. It is FLAT. Crisp even! Imagine the cutest bookmark ever and this could be it. Sometimes my regular projects I have to starch in order to get the crinkles out but this fabric is so stiff that the crinkles just fell out. Amazing!

Anyways, I hope you give it a try! Ashleigh & I will be releasing a line of brand new Valentine's Day patterns on Friday, if you haven't had a chance get, come visit us on facebook! We aren't spammy (that's just not our nature!), we share tips & tricks and post photos of things other folks have made from our patterns :)

Monthly Woodland Sampler Sneak Peek: February

On January 2nd we introduced our Woodlander's to Deer Couple and I was downright *shocked* how fast people stitched these cuties up. It takes me a zillion years to cross stitch, I'm pretty sure I'm the slowest stitch-er ever! But it makes us crazy excited to see how you guys dive into each pattern and project. I kept texting Ashleigh with "another person finished!" "someone else is done and it's soooo cute"!

Yesterday I posted a little sneak peek on instagram of my hoop and people seemed *really* excited so I thought it was only fair to share it with the entire universe. (Well, my little spot of the universe that is!)

I think 2-3x a day we receive an email asking if the blank bits in the frames are supposed to be there. The answer is yes! These little spaces will contain cute things later on...such as CLOUDS! See that little guy above?! Adorable right? Ashleigh really went all out on this pattern, it has a lot of sweet little details.

February has also had people curious...why is it blue? Is it special?

The answer is....it takes place at NIGHT! I've always been curious of the woods at night. Curious and slightly scared. I'm a bit of a weenie. What is lurking around? Friend or Foe? In this case, totally a friend! This little woodland creature is heading out for night time adventures, maybe visiting a masquerade ball for a little dancing under the stars! wink wink hint hint!

I've blocked out all of the navy blue already, the rest of the blank spots will be grays, yellows and a few little bits of sparkle. This month has a lot of stitching, no empty squares within the 33x33 stitch block! Eek! Exciting!

Don't forget, tomorrow at midnight the price of the pattern rises to $16.95! And we'll send patterns to friends, we have lots of sisters, mothers and daughters and bffs working on this project together.


2013 Woodland Sampler Sneak Peek & FAQs

Hi friends!

Did you have a nice holiday?

Today I thought I'd share some helpful tips and a little sneak peek of  our 2013 Woodland Sampler!

  • What is the 2013 Woodland Sampler? The 2013 Woodland Sampler is our newest mystery cross stitch club for this upcoming year. In the past we've done Fruit of the Month Club & Dessert of the Month Club. This is our third year of running clubs and it is our very best & cutest. By December of 2013 you'll have a completed cross stitch sampler!
  • How does this work? After you sign up you'll receive an email from us containing a link to a PDF. You can download this 3 times before the link expires. In the PDF you'll find a stitch guide, the list of materials and the first chart. This chart contains the frame work of the pattern. Each month you'll fill in the blanks!
  • When will I receive each pattern? Starting on January 2nd, once a month you'll receive an email directly from us. It's helpful to make sure you have plenty of room in your inbox and add us to your address book! For example, January 2nd you'll receive the chart to fill in January. On February 1st you'll receive the chart to fill in February. And so on!
  • How much does this cost? The cost is a flat *one time* fee of $10. That's a great deal! But this special only lasts until January 11th, then the price rises to $16.95.
  • This sounds fun! But can I sign up in February or March? As with our previous clubs, you can sign up year round! This is completely go at your own pace! Some people sign up but can only cross stitch on their vacations or other down time. The best part of PDF patterns is that you can download and stitch at your leisure, no waiting for patterns in the mail!
  • But I've never cross stitched before! That's totally ok! Our patterns have a helpful stitch guide and are completely beginner friendly!
  • How big is this project? Using 28 ct linen or 14 ct aida cloth, this measures 100w x 236h stitches, or 7.5 x 17 inches. Now, if you use a larger or smaller count fabric, be aware that the size of your finished project will change!
  • Can I order supplies online? Absolutely! We are working with theworkroom to create floss kits!  This kit contains all the floss for the entire year! You will have the option of picking either champagne (goldish!) or white (silverish!) sparkle floss for your project. The sampler looks equally awesome with either color. If you haven't tried Cosmo's Metallic Floss, it's a real treat. Very easy to use, no need to ply down the thread and it doesn't snag as much as other brands. We are hoping to have a kit that will include fabric available soon & I'll send out a newsletter/blog/tweet/facebook a link once this becomes available.
  • I have my floss but I can't find the recommended linen! That's ok! We purchased our linen from Michael's Craft Stores in hopes that it would be easy for everyone to find. If you can't find it, bring your floss to your nearest craft store to see what they have available. You want to make sure all your floss will show up on whatever fabric you choose. For example, don't choose bright white because the white stitches won't show up! Don't feel limited by our fabric choice, feel free to choose whatever color YOU like, as you'll be stitching on it all year! One of my very favorite kawaii winter wonderland projects is being worked on in BLUE fabric! It's seriously stunning and unique!
  • Do you have any tools or notions you suggest? I sure do! I alternate between a round 8 inch wooden hoop and a 11 inch Q-Snap frame. I recently purchased a hoop stand from Michael's that I like, I used a 60% off coupon so make it super budget friendly and that's a good option if you don't want hand/wrist fatigue. I also love thread heaven, which makes stitching snag less. Another favorite notion is an embroidery floss needle threader. Last but not least, highlighter tape is handy for keeping track of where you are stitching!
  • If you have access to a serger or a sewing machine it's incredible helpful to finish the edges of your fabric. This means either overlock or zigzag the edges so they don't fray all year long!


ok! finally! phew! the part you've been waiting for...SNEAK PEEK!!!



oooooo!!!!!!! Join us in 2013 stitching up a Woodland Sampler! woo woo!

WIP: Pheasant Socks & Signature Needles: First Thoughts.

I'm a car knitter.

Most people ask me "how do you knit so fast?!", which I think is hilarious because I'm *not* fast at all...but I do have a lot of blah time in the car. My mom lives two hours away. Chop's family lives an hour away. JoAnn's, Target, etc are all 45 minutes away. This means lots & lots of car knitting time.

Fine with me. ;)

My Signature Needle Arts needles arrived yesterday! Very fast shipping which was awesome. In case you haven't been following along I got a size 1, 5 inch length on a 32 inch cord. I cast on for these socks this morning, I've knit a solid 6 hours with them today, here are a few of my initial thoughts:

  • Sharp sharp SHARP! And I *love* that. Incredibly pointy. If you are the type of knitter who moves the tip of the needle with your finger, you'll end up with a little divot in your fingertip.
  • The join...not in love. I definitely have to help the yarn over which is kind of a bummer. I do sort of worry about the cord snapping away from the needle. I'm not quite sure why but it seems like the join isn't super sturdy. Later on I think I'll take a photo to show you what I mean. I could just be paranoid. BUT! I can imagine it would be tricky to have a super smooth join on a size 1 needle.
  • I like the cords! I'm doing two socks at a time and while the cord isn't as slick as addi turbo lace (my standard sock needle) it is very flexible, which I really like. My favorite pair of addi's have a crease in the cord, I doubt these will ever crease. That's pretty neat.

The yarn I'm using is so dreamy. Last week I was browsing pinterest & saw this pin. I followed links around until I found Fly Along, Hedgehog Fibre's blog! I spent an hour reading older posts, I very rarely have time to sit on the computer, clicking around & looking at new things to be inspired by so this was a real treat. Once I saw their studio space, I was in love. LOVE. I knew I had to try their yarn.

I found a destash on ravelry & a skein of Pheasant Sock landed in my hands. (Her shop sells out super fast, otherwise I would have purchased directly from her.) Wowzas. Can we talk about how incredibly SOFT this is?! I finished the socks I started this weekend and while they had cashmere, they aren't nearly as soft as this (remind me to tell you the story about why I shouldn't knit socks while taking theraflu ;)). As I was knitting today I'd stop and pet my knitting. Weird but true. I love the depth of the color in this yarn, I hope my photos can share with you how truly pretty it is!

I'm using the Simple Skyp pattern that I just plugged into the basic top up formula I like. It's interesting enough to be fun but not so hard that I have to pay attention. It seems like it's doing the yarn justice too!

I made myself a new knitting bag yesterday evening. I was looking on etsy a few nights ago & came across Timber and Leaf by Sarah Watts. I purchased 3 fat quarters: the bears, the foxes and the deer. I very rarely buy fabric anymore, I'm out of the "hip fabric" loop but this is really neat stuff. Totally pretty. I had a few bits of shape flex, various scraps, a little alphabet fabric that I cut & pieced to spell out YARN & voila. New knitting bag. Woo!

I managed to snap a few photos right before it started to rain again. I'm planning on spending the evening in front of the fire with my Woodland Sampler, I have 9 months of frames stitched up! High 5!
